It says that the sub was saved for TheBuddha, if you don't know. In other words, someone set it up and held onto it for me, and I was invited here - by a number of people, but only one made the sub.
At times, I feel kinda like a spammer - even though I'm pretty sure my content is appreciated and I know some of you click through. (It tells me the referrer - it's right in the header you send to my server.)
You're a bit cliquish and I try to meander out of the guitar sub so that I can interact with the rest of you - but I don't really have time and seldom comment unless I also have time to respond to any replies to my comment. (I consider hit and run forum posting to be pretty much on par with a war crime!)
When I first showed up, I got some (legitimate) questions about why I was here - and that appears to be the end of it. Everyone kinda shrugged and went back to what they were doing and nobody has complained. Which is pretty cool, actually but I've always wondered if I'd have to explain it again.
Currently, I can point to the 'saved for TheBuddha' bit and say, "I was asked to share my content here on Phuks."
But, I still get that icky spammer feeling. I dislike spam as much as anyone else.
My question is, have we moved past that or do I seem like a spammer? I don't actually have any ulterior motives that aren't disclosed.
My ulterior motive is to interest you in spending ungodly hours learning to play a guitar, realize that the greatest factory-issued electric guitar is a Les Paul after years of study, and start a collection of them! For this, Gibson pays me zero dollars. However, it's a start that might get you interested in classical guitar and my absolute ulterior motivation lies there. I'm a shill for the Classical Guitar Cabal. They don't pay me and it's a labor of love/addiction!
I guess my question is, do I appear to be a spammer? I'm really just passionate about music and feel that I should have started this project a long time ago. It's such wonderful passion that I'd like everyone to understand it and decide if they want to take part in it.
I do pretty much just submit links to my site, unless I have free time and gumption.
I welcome your feedback, 'cause I've been pondering this for quite a while now.
I’ll be honest although it will sound like an asshole but I believe in truth. I don’t ignore you because you spam I ignore you cause I find you pompous.
You’ve said this a couple of times. I get your time is of value so is mine but I don’t act like my presence here is a gift to anyone.
I think a lot of the guitar thread users from voat are on poal not phuks.
Don’t let me change the way you post. You just asked if I feel you’re a spammer, no I don’t. I just think I you’re here for one thing and not the community at large.
Edit: formatting