I saw them in mid-90s in Ohio. No one prances like that for 2.5 hours at his age!
I saw them in mid-90s in Ohio. No one prances like that for 2.5 hours at his age!
I'm pretty convinced he does cocaine. When he comes back into view, he's often wiping his nose.
But, he claims to be sober. I'm really skeptical.
I'm pretty convinced he does cocaine. When he comes back into view, he's often wiping his nose.
But, he claims to be sober. I'm really skeptical.
Maybe he does LOTS of nasal spray - got to keep those airways open if you play a wind instrument!
(Source: was the loser bass player of grade school band - The tuba dork.)
Maybe he does LOTS of nasal spray - got to keep those airways open if you play a wind instrument!
(Source: was the loser bass player of grade school band - The tuba dork.)
One of the things I find amusing is that Ian claims to be completely sober. I don't believe that, not even for a minute.
I've seen him in concert and I'm pretty sure he's snorting coke behind the stacks. Pretty sure...