Unfortunately, I don't really have time for it.

It's possible to build a decent musical community, but it takes time. I can submit stuff, but I can't take the time to relearn CSS (I last used it around v. 1.0, I don't even know what version it currently is).

So, the first thing we probably need is some CSS help.

Someone who really likes music, specifically the guitar, could volunteer some time and make us some sexy CSS. We're not picky. No, we're not... We'll play music with anyone. We'll take CSS from most anyone - though it should make some sort of sense.

My design skills are, to be mild, imperfect. I'm also partially colorblind. You really, really don't want me to do this.

Unfortunately, I don't really have time for it. It's possible to build a decent musical community, but it takes time. I can submit stuff, but I can't take the time to relearn CSS (I last used it around v. 1.0, I don't even know what version it currently is). So, the first thing we probably need is some CSS help. Someone who really likes music, specifically the guitar, could volunteer some time and make us some sexy CSS. We're not picky. No, we're not... We'll play music with anyone. We'll take CSS from most anyone - though it should make some sort of sense. My design skills are, to be mild, imperfect. I'm also partially colorblind. You really, really don't want me to do this.


[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm lacking time as well but here's the current generic stylesheet I copied for paddys pub. Easy enough to change the colors... or don't. I'll be changing mine when I get around to it at any rate.

    background-color: #001F28 !important;
    color: #EEEEEE !important;
    border-color: #8CCEE8 !important;

    background: #001F28 !important;

    /*Prohibit unimportant background*/
    /*background-image: none;*/
    /*background-color: #001F2822 !important;*/

    /*background-color: #8CCEE822 !important;
    border-style: solid !important;
    border-width: thin !important;
    color: #BBB0EC!important;*

button *
    background-color: #8CCEE800 !important;

    border-color: #8CCEE888 !important;
    border-style: solid !important;
    border-width: thin !important;
    background-image: none !important;
svg {
    fill: #8CCEE8 !important;
a *
    border-bottom-color: #8CCEE8;
    border-bottom-style: solid !important;
    border-width: thin !important;*/
    background-color: #001F2800 !important;
    color: #8CCEE8 !important;

    color: #8CCEE8 !important;
    text-decoration: none;
/*Regular style*/

    color: #479EC9!important;
    text-decoration: none;
/*Mouse pointing style*/

    color: #8CCEE8!important;
    text-decoration: underline;
/*After visiting the style*/

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Thanks! That's a start that I can take a peek at.

Worst case, I'll eventually have time to go CSS pirating and spend a few hours checking WC3 schools for shit that I'm just going to need to recheck every ten minutes. It'll encompass a lot of swearing and, I gotta tell you, I'll probably give up partway through and it may be garish colors that looked good to me while I was stoned.

I do smoke a whole lot of pot. That whole short-term memory? Yeah... It's gonna be infuriating. I did it for v/Mathemagician, but that did not come out well and I pretty much cheated until I gave up and swore at it, calling it good enough. It's still horrible on mobile.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

A good shortcut is just installing the chrome extension "stylish" and dropping in a few generic css templates (meant to affect all sites) that looks good. I literally did none of that so far myself. I also mess w/ css so rarely that it's a bother. I do think I did a good job w/ it on voat and it's preview site though. Hopefully when I get more time I can expand on that start.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh, I will add that I've been "online" since before it was world wide and the public was allowed to use it.

Which is to say, shit... Who do you take me for? I already have Stylish installed. You're only off with me as I use Firefox. I also have GreaseMonkey and an uMatrix (though I'm currently being lazy and just using uBlock Origin).

Sheesh... What kinda n00b do you think I am? :-)

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I miss smoking to be honest. A long stream of job requirements has kept me from smoking for more than a decade. Would be nice to really chill for even a weekend at this point.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

In theory, I'm retired. I just suck at being retired. No, I really do.

[–] Hitchens 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Are you planning on growing three guitar communities at once? I know you're on poal and now here at phuks. Just as your post stated it's hard to grow a community but probably even harder if your attempting to do so on multiple platforms. Just curious if your dropping anchor here and hosting all your guitar nights here or on all three sites?

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Fucked if I know.

I do know the weekly guitar thread is not being moved - or there's no plans to move it at this time.

I put the stuff on Poal 'cause I like PMYB2 and wanted to give him some content. I started posting on Phuks 'cause i was invited a few times and then got asked if I'd post the guitar stuff here.

The problem is, I don't have time. I can answer questions and link pretty quickly, but I sure as hell can't devote myself to making a community. I can devote some time, to helping YOU make a community - and give you some content to run with.

Err... Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted. It's all I've got.

[–] Hitchens 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't have a desire to grow a music sub I was just curious about your post and it's intent.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Damn it... ;-)

I'll help! I will, too.

Here's a way that I think describes my intent.

I never post anything that I'm unwilling to return to, read comments about, and reply to each of the responses.

My ulterior motive is taking over Phuks so that I can get you to all do work on my behalf and mobilize you to become my army when I'm elected Supreme Emperor of the Universe and Everything Beyond.

Or, my motive is exactly what you see. You're a cliquish bunch, but that's okay - I fit in most everywhere. I ain't scared. You'll get used to me. ;-)

I pass the sniff test. I'm really who I say I am and kind of have to be. I'm pretty trivial to dox. I guess that's bad form, but people do it all the time. I speak to people via email, text, and even phone. I've had people from Voat visit my house.

Politically, if you use the new mostly-standard Political Compass (with the cardinal directions as points), then I'm squarely in the lower left. I think the left is largely fucking retarded. To be fair, the right is too. It's not so much that they're retarded, but they're easily excited. Extremism is pretty silly. So, I've decided to be a zealot in the name of rational and moderate thought, preferring pragmatism. That kind pretty much puts me in the Libertarian Socialist camp.


Also, I smoke a lot of pot and write novellas.

I have a few free hours and I'll throw them at Phuks so long as there's people who are having happy moments with what I do. I don't want to control anything - except to make you all my minions and help me take over the universe. (The same thing we're going to do tomorrow night, Pinky!)

You've got maybe two hours of my time today. You can use it any way you want. If you've ever thought about playing music, I can probably tell you a little about the experience. I know a bit of math and some science, but I don't really have much time for that on this site. So, I avoid those subs entirely. I did look at the math sub, but it didn't seem like I'd be spending my time wisely.

At my age, time's important. I spend it having the best day ever. That means I gotta budget it.

Make sense?