I was chatting with an old HS friend last night. Amazon fired her husband after 20 years with Amazon. They recieved a large shipment of external external opticals drives from a major electonics company. When they open the boxes, they contained thousands of cheap commodity drives in packageing from dozens of different "Chinese" companies. You know the kind, the ones that "almost work" or arrive to you DOA.

He went to the fulfillment center management they told him to have them placed in the pick bins according to their packaging. That "----" makes these duds to get bad reviews so that people will buy the brand name hardware. He told them that was a vile, deceptive practice and then had his crew stock the bins.

They pink slipped him at quitting time yesterday with two weeks severance and then had him escorted off the premises!

I was chatting with an old HS friend last night. Amazon fired her husband after 20 years with Amazon. They recieved a large shipment of external external opticals drives from a major electonics company. When they open the boxes, they contained thousands of cheap commodity drives in packageing from dozens of different "Chinese" companies. You know the kind, the ones that "almost work" or arrive to you DOA. He went to the fulfillment center management they told him to have them placed in the pick bins according to their packaging. That "----" makes these duds to get bad reviews so that people will buy the brand name hardware. He told them that was a vile, deceptive practice and then had his crew stock the bins. They pink slipped him at quitting time yesterday with two weeks severance and then had him escorted off the premises!

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