John Dinkleman Published 1st January 2021

(CNN) - Suprise and alarm this afternoon as a very large column of trucks were seen leaving Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina heading north on I-95, the direction of Washington DC. "At least a thousand," one witness told local affiliate ABC11.

Preliminary reports suggest the troops are heading to Washington on a peacekeeping mission for expected protests on the National Mall next week.

Troops were seen armed and tanks and other armored vehicles were among the column leading some to speculate the troops may be used for more nefarious purposes.

"I never seen them roll out like this before," one longtime resident told our local affiliate.

Nancy Pelosi released a short statement saying:

"There is no emergency in Washington DC that calls for troops to be deployed. I have faith the police, with support from the FBI and other federal agencies, have the situation well under control."

All of this is stoking fears of a showdown between officials on January 6th when Congress is set officially name Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 Presidential election. Several congressmen have signed on to assist current President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn election results in several states in a last ditch effort to hand Trump another term in office. These actions are widely expected to fail but that hasn't stopped Trump from calling for a massive rally on that day in an attempt to threaten the democratic process.

This is a developing story...

John Dinkleman Published 1st January 2021 (CNN) - Suprise and alarm this afternoon as a very large column of trucks were seen leaving Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina heading north on I-95, the direction of Washington DC. "At least a thousand," one witness told local affiliate ABC11. Preliminary reports suggest the troops are heading to Washington on a peacekeeping mission for expected protests on the National Mall next week. Troops were seen armed and tanks and other armored vehicles were among the column leading some to speculate the troops may be used for more nefarious purposes. "I never seen them roll out like this before," one longtime resident told our local affiliate. Nancy Pelosi released a short statement saying: "There is no emergency in Washington DC that calls for troops to be deployed. I have faith the police, with support from the FBI and other federal agencies, have the situation well under control." All of this is stoking fears of a showdown between officials on January 6th when Congress is set officially name Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 Presidential election. Several congressmen have signed on to assist current President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn election results in several states in a last ditch effort to hand Trump another term in office. These actions are widely expected to fail but that hasn't stopped Trump from calling for a massive rally on that day in an attempt to threaten the democratic process. *This is a developing story...*


[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

youuuu didnt read what i said in the secret cabal chat 20 minutes ago did you