So this guy subscribes to his local paper. Everything's fine for a while, then the papers stop coming. The guy complains, for days. The driver swears blind that he's been been putting the papers in the tube every morning. Nobody else is complaining, so what's with this one guy?
The Delivery Manager does a ride along. Paper in the tube. When he turns up for work there's a call that the paper isn't there. The Manager and the Publisher do a stake out. The Driver pulls up, pops the paper in the tube, drives off. The Manager and the Publisher are about to leave, thinking they scared a prankster off when suddenly there's a fox. It stands on it's hind legs, snatches the paper out of the tube, and runs off with it.
The when the sun comes up they track the fox to where it's taking the papers. It was using them to line it's den.
This just goes to show that foxes are well read and highly intelligent shitposters.