[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

Interesting incident, law of the jungle and all that, but why are they trying to blame me?

Foudouko, a former leader of the Fongoli community who had since been exiled for five years

It's likely that man-made environmental changes have disrupted the chimp's environment and led them to be upset

Must have been the Russian facebook ads that turned the Fongoli community against Foudouko...

But the chimp's downfall may have come from an attempt to make his way "back into the social group"

I'm chalking it up to poor leadership.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

It's likely that man-made environmental changes have disrupted the chimp's environment and led them to be upset

Yeah that's absurd. I'm sure all primates were living in a peaceful utopia until the evil industrial revolution ruined their peace

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

The video was like the opening to 2001. The Fongoli commuity must have a reputation.