[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

It's odd to me. Most people move to high end neighborhoods to avoid crime, drug use, and homeless. In San Francisco, you're paying top dollar to have it on your doorstep.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

seems like a mobbing effect.

a lot of people want to work at new startup XQRZ corp or whatever, and can't deal with or afford the commute and want to be in town where the perceived social opportunities are to make the connections. there is a perceived advantage, and people are profiteering of it.

One of the richest people to come out of the old California gold rush apparently made his money selling shovels to the miners.

thus we have people renting bunkbeds for 1800/month - there must be some perceived or imagined advantage . . .