[–] Hitchens 0 points (+0|-0)

Disagree with the article. Although I wouldn’t rate her special as ground breaking or 4 stars; I would say it was interesting and had some good laughs and a powerful story about a beat down she got for hitting on a girl.

What the fuck however is that site and article? The article read like a long tumblr blog.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

kids these days . . .

[–] Hitchens 0 points (+0|-0)

But when my cis, straight, liberal parents told me how much they loved it, the reason for my dislike coalesced: In order to make straight, cis viewers feel comfortably woke, Gadsby shits on an entire language of comedy developed over decades largely by Jews and queers.

Kids these days sure sure but this is a grown adult who doesn’t like something because her straight white parents enjoyed it.