[–] Kannibal [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

A big point of the video was that IQ fluctuated with the amount of poverty. Higher poverty sabotaged IQ by as much as 14 or 15 points.

Being poor makes you do stupid things, and get distracted by short term gains vs long term gains

Part of what makes up the human advantage is the ability to defer rewards.

when you are poor, this gets sabotaged.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

How do I drag out my IQ without sounding... cringe-worthy? I'm sure there's not a way so I'll just put it out there. My IQ is 172. I can't agree with you due to my everyday experience. Either that or I should be furious with my family for dumbing me down when I could have been some kind of Prometheus Society level intelligence.

I can, however, agree that it can have a tendency to influence how people use or allow themselves to use their intelligence. If you're genius level in a dirt poor family, the expectation is that you're going to grow up, become wealthy, and then support everyone. Add to that that families who don't understand upper or lower levels of intelligence don't know how to support children/teens on either end of the spectrum. So they don't use those assets properly. Who wants to live up to those kinds of failures and expectations?

I can have the best hammer ever made in the history of hammers but if I can't swing it worth a hoot, I'll never use it properly. Same thing.