[–] CDanger [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Issues around representatives of sampling, oversampling, self-selection bias, sample size, numeric vs percentage growth rates, percentage points, placebo effect, etc all require a good grasp of logical and numeric reasoning, skills poorly taught in school. The masses are much easier to manipulate with emotional crusades. It's the same reason people are afraid of flying in airplanes, shark attacks, and their kids being shot at school but won't bat an eye at eating fastfood and chips, letting their kids swim unsupervised, or driving everyday.

Plus this it all sounds so boring. Let's go watch some football and Kardashians instead.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

driving everyday

driving is freaking dangerous. i've put over 100k miles on my car in just over 5 years and just the amount of stupid shit I have seen makes me wonder why more people don't die in traffic accidents. my favorite was that one time I was rear ended at a red light by this woman in her 40s who could not understand why her car didn't instantly stop while going down a steep wet hill in heavy rain while going 40mph just a few car lengths before.