These facts are partially why I have so little sympathy for those who talk about being oppressed in nations like the US or some other western European nation.
Like, it's clear we're not perfect. We can still improve and get better and become more free, and perhaps slowly alter culture in some way to be more tolerant or what have you (we all have our own thoughts on what's right and wrong in culture, that's not the point here). But when you look at the world at large and get a sense of proportion of where you could be, and where we once were, and the options and freedoms given to us, the idea that you're a member of the suffering, victimized, oppressed peoples of the world just seems extremely self-centered and not thought-out at all.
These facts are partially why I have so little sympathy for those who talk about being oppressed in nations like the US or some other western European nation.
Like, it's clear we're not perfect. We can still improve and get better and become more free, and perhaps slowly alter culture in some way to be more tolerant or what have you (we all have our own thoughts on what's right and wrong in culture, that's not the point here). But when you look at the world at large and get a sense of proportion of where you could be, and where we once were, and the options and freedoms given to us, the idea that you're a member of the suffering, victimized, oppressed peoples of the world just seems extremely self-centered and not thought-out at all.
TIL my smartphone cost more than the median wealth of someone in India, and nearly double that of the wealth of someone in Africa