It's quite fascinating. From the beginning the whole trinitite formation and everything seemed to be the best answer. I sort of fell asleep before the end so I'm not sure what their final conclusion was. But I do recall them not being able to find enough conclusive evidence to point towards a meteor. No smoking gun as it were.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

I'm at the point of them talking to people who looked directly into a nuclear flash. Steel was vaporized, sand was covered in green glass, but glass is not nearly translucent like the Sahara glass. Maybe the clear green glass was just from proximity.

IIRC they eventually put the glass into a mass spectrometer and discover an unusually large quantity of osmium. Levels much higher than found anywhere on the earths surface.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

They did that earlier with the whole "there are literally diamonds inside this glass", but yea that