The sole retreat is in, everyone.

  • F Den R Kiel

Here is the map for Fall 1902 moves.

We will begin immediately, but for timing purposes, the negotiation phase will begin at 10 AM GMT, February 23rd, and will end 10 AM, February 25th, which is Saturday. Orders are due 24 hours after that time. I will ping everyone when we reach the order period.

Good luck.








The sole retreat is in, everyone. - F Den R Kiel [Here is the map for Fall 1902 moves](https://i.imgtc.com/tBr6Voq.jpg). We will begin immediately, but for timing purposes, the negotiation phase will begin at 10 AM GMT, February 23rd, and will end **10 AM, February 25th, which is Saturday. Orders are due 24 hours after that time.** I will ping everyone when we reach the order period. Good luck. @TheRedArmy @Fluf @Boukert @Jidlaph @Redviiper @Skyrock @PMYA


[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

@skyrock @fluf @boukert @jidlaph @redviiper @pmya

All the orders are in, but life kicked my ass last night, and I'm probably going to have to work late today too. I will definitely endeavor to get them out early morning US Central time, but no promises. Sorry for the delay.

-The GM

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

Nothing but sympathy from me. RL can be a bitch.

No worries