The orders are in! Here is the video for of all the orders being processed.
Below is the text form of the orders -
England (@TheRedArmy)
- F Edi-Nwg
- A Lvp-Yor
- F Lon-Nth
France (@Fluf)
- F Bre-Mao
- A Par-Pic
- A Mar-Spa
Germany (@Boukert)
- F Kie-Den
- A Ber-Kie
- A Mun-Ruh
Italy (@Jidlaph)
- F Nap-Ion
- A Rom-Apu
Austria (@Redviiper)
- F Tri-Adr
- A Bud-Ser
- A Vie-Tyr
Russia (@Skyrock)
- F StP-Bot
- A Mos-StP
- A War-Gal
- F Sev-Bla (bounced 1v1 with Ank)
Turkey (@PMYA)
- F Ank-Bla (bounced 1v1 with Sev)
- A Con-Bul
As there are no dislodged units, we will skip the retreat phase.
After the double-length opening negotiation phase, negotiation phases will now be 2 days in length. This phase begins immediately, but for timing purposes will be considered to begin at 4 AM Friday, February 10th, US Central time (this is 10 AM Friday GMT). The phase therefore ends at 4 AM Sunday, February 12th, US Central time (10 AM Sunday GMT). Negotiations will end at this time, and orders will be due 24 hours after that - please send me your orders between 10 AM Sunday February 12th, and 10 AM Monday February 13th, GMT.
My own orders will be posted in encrypted form at the start of the orders phase, with the password to be shared when the orders phase ends - this is to provide an anti-cheating measure for you all.
Good luck to you all.
-The GM
@skyrock @boukert @pmya @jidlaph @redviiper @fluf
Attention all, the negotiation phase for this turn has come to an end, and the orders phase begins. You have ~24 hours to send all of your orders to me for this turn. Please be punctual and accurate with your orders.
As I said before, I have encrypted my orders and the link for them is below. When the turn resolves, I will post the password so you can confirm my orders were legitimate and not changed after I received all you guys'.
EDIT: Password is "godsavethequeen", no quotes.
The GM