Link to the coded die roller

List by Player, alphabetically

List by Country, alphabetically

[Link to the coded die roller](http://www.metstübchen.de/cgi-bin/DIESERVER/roll.pl?code=FD2-2017&showroll=roll) **List by Player, alphabetically** - @Boukert - Italy - @Fluf - England - @jidlaph - Germany - @Lord--Gaben - France - @PMYA - Austria - @Skyrock - Turkey - @TheRedArmy - Russia **List by Country, alphabetically** - Austria - @PMYA - England - @Fluf - France - @Lord--Gaben - Germany - @jidlaph - Italy - @Boukert - Russia - @TheRedArmy - Turkey - @Skyrock


[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)


Not to rush you (or us), or anything, but is there any timetable for when we will start?

[–] Skyrock [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

I will try to set up a local copy of vDiplomacy in the next few days (the only computer-assisted Dippy program that has ready-made assistence for 7 Islands).

If that fails, I will go for old-school hand moderation.

[–] TheRedArmy 2 points (+2|-0)

No rush, brother-man. Thanks for your time and effort in GMing.

If you need the website where I did my orders, hit me up (or just use literally any link from last game).