Sorry for the delay. My password was "nowhammy".
The map showing movement lines.
The map after the sole retreat.
England (@TheRedArmy)
- Stp (NC) H
- Bot S Den-Lvn
- Bal C Den-Lvn
- Den-Lvn
- Pru S Den-Lvn (unit dislodged, retreat to Berlin)
- Sil H
- Mun S Sil H
- Ruh S Mun H
- Nth C Lon-Den
- Lon-Den
- Par-Gas
- Bur S Par-Gas
- Gas-Spa (NC)
- Mao S Gas-Spa (NC)
- Wes-Lyo
- Tys S Tun H
- Tun S Tys H
France (@Fluf)
- Mar-Bur (unit bounced 1v1 with Bur)
Italy (@Jidlaph)
- Rom-Nap
- Tus-Rom
- Bul (SC)-Con (unit bounced 1v1 with Ank)
Russia (@Skyrock)
- War S Liv-Pru
- Liv-Pru
- Ukr S War H
- Gal-Boh (unit bounced 1v1 with Tyr)
- Tyr-Boh (unit bounced 1v1 with Gal)
- Rum-Bud
Turkey (@PMYA)
- Con-Aeg
- Ank-Con (bounced 1v1 with Bul)
- Ser-Tri
- Gre S Ion H
That's all for this phase. The sole English retreat was brought to Berlin.
We'll give ~75 hours for orders this phase, which puts it to an end Sunday morning at 10 AM. I'll have my orders posted 24 hours before then.
Good luck everyone.
Orders are done for me.
There's ~23 hours left in the phase at this time. Good luck everyone.
@Fluf @Jidlaph @Skyrock @PMYA