Sorry for the delay. My password was "nowhammy".
The map showing movement lines.
The map after the sole retreat.
England (@TheRedArmy)
- Stp (NC) H
- Bot S Den-Lvn
- Bal C Den-Lvn
- Den-Lvn
- Pru S Den-Lvn (unit dislodged, retreat to Berlin)
- Sil H
- Mun S Sil H
- Ruh S Mun H
- Nth C Lon-Den
- Lon-Den
- Par-Gas
- Bur S Par-Gas
- Gas-Spa (NC)
- Mao S Gas-Spa (NC)
- Wes-Lyo
- Tys S Tun H
- Tun S Tys H
France (@Fluf)
- Mar-Bur (unit bounced 1v1 with Bur)
Italy (@Jidlaph)
- Rom-Nap
- Tus-Rom
- Bul (SC)-Con (unit bounced 1v1 with Ank)
Russia (@Skyrock)
- War S Liv-Pru
- Liv-Pru
- Ukr S War H
- Gal-Boh (unit bounced 1v1 with Tyr)
- Tyr-Boh (unit bounced 1v1 with Gal)
- Rum-Bud
Turkey (@PMYA)
- Con-Aeg
- Ank-Con (bounced 1v1 with Bul)
- Ser-Tri
- Gre S Ion H
That's all for this phase. The sole English retreat was brought to Berlin.
We'll give ~75 hours for orders this phase, which puts it to an end Sunday morning at 10 AM. I'll have my orders posted 24 hours before then.
Good luck everyone.