1905 might be the latest I have seen all seven players remain alive. Alas, it ends here, as one of our gents have been knocked out. Everyone please thank @Boukert for his time and effort this game. It was a valiant try, and if another game is played in the future, I would love to see you in it again. Although being eliminated first always hurts, surviving until 1905, considering your situation, was quite a feat. Attacked by two powers simultaneously in Spring 1902 as possibly the second-least defensible nation in the game (behind Austria), and holding on for three more years is legitimately impressive. No status lost just because it's first out here, in my estimation. May you have better luck next time.
Here is the video detailing all move this turn.
Here is the map with all movement lines included.
Here is the map post all movement resolution.
Below is the text form of all the orders.
The password for my orders last phase was "red".
England (@TheRedArmy)
- Nwg-Nwy (bounced 1v1 with Swe)
- Swe-Nwy (bounced 1v1 with Nwg)
- Hel-Kie
- Lon-Bre
- Eng C Lon-Bre (bounced 1v1 with Pic)
- Yor-Bel
- Nth C Yor-Bel
- Hol S Yor-Bel
- Spa (SC) H
France (@Fluf)
- Bur-Bel (move failed, 1v2 with Yor)
- Pic-Bre (bounced 1v1 with Lon)
- Mar-Spa (bounced 1v1 with Spa)
- Mun H
Germany (@Boukert)
- No units on board
Italy (@Jidlaph)
- Ven-Tri
- Tus-Ven
- Ion-Tun
- Aeg-Gre (bounced 1v1 with Gre)
Austria (@Redviiper)
- No order issued; all units hold
Russia (@Skyrock)
- StP-Fin
- Rum-Sev (move failed; cannot dislodge own unit)
- Sev H
- Ser S Ion-Gre (support failed; does not match specified order)
- Ber-Bal
- Sil-Ber
- Gal-Boh
Turkey (@PMYA)
- Con-Aeg (bounced 1v1 with Aeg)
- Bla S Rum-Sev (support failed; Rum cannot dislodge own unit)
- Gre H
- England: 3 builds
- France: 1 disband
- Italy: 1 build
- Austria: No adjustments
- Russia: 1 build
- Turkey: 2 builds
I'll expect everything in in about 48 hours time. That gives you until about 11 AM Greenwich Mean Time on Monday, April 24th; that's 5 AM US Central. Please have your adjustments in to me by then.
In the comments below, I will also discuss draws, since a player has been eliminated. I ask everyone who's not familiar with the draw system please review it.
Good luck everyone.
-The GM
All right guys, my orders are here.
You all have about 24 hours to get adjustments to me.
@Fluf @Jidlaph @Skyrock @PMYA