I want to understand what you guys are talking about because you seem really excited but I have no clue, really. I mean, yeah, I have guns but I'm assuming you're buying some kind of "some assembly required" kits or something?

I want to understand what you guys are talking about because you seem really excited but I have no clue, really. I mean, yeah, I have guns but I'm assuming you're buying some kind of "some assembly required" kits or something?


[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I'd not only need the parts but need to also get some tools.

Correct. It's possible to complete an 80% lower with nothing but a drill press and a few bits. There are even metal templates that can be bolted on the the 80% lower that make it possible to complete with just a normal drill and bits, but I'd wager that's harder.

I assume that you might be able to save money.

If you own the tools, yes you might save a few bucks (if you ignore what your time is worth). Besides the sense of accomplishment, the appeal probably has more to do with owning a firearm that the feds have no record of. Again, check your laws to be sure, but there's no law that I know of which prevents you from manufacturing your own gun for your own personal use. On the other hand, selling or transferring such a weapon would be a huge fucking felony.

Thanks, by the way.

Happy to help. Be safe, and check those laws.

[–] X175B247 1 points (+1|-0)

selling or transferring such a weapon would be a huge fucking felony.

Well this is actually a grey area, albeit a very dangerous one.

One may not produce a firearm FOR sale. This is known as manufacturing. If you produce one for your own use and sell it at a later point that may not be classified as unlicensed manufacturing. Again, it's a grey area and one must proceed at their own peril.