[–] jobes [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

Why the sudden fall in demand?

Officials are not completely sure.

Let me help you out there, officials. The people who trust MSM and 'trust the science' went out in hordes to get their jab. The people who question an experimental set of vaccines aren't going to take it. Moderna has never brought an RNA product to market (the only focus of their company since 2010, hence the name 'Modern RNA') nor have they succeeded in a full set of clinical trials. Their vaccine was rushed through 3 months of 'trials' to be approved for emergency use and the trial for their first ever product will not end until 2023. Pfizer uses the same type of technology, so why should we trust them? J&J is not a vaccine manufacturer, this is the first vaccine they have produced, so again, why should we trust them after another rushed 3 month trial?

Still baffled?

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

i would advise against dating a nurse

[–] jobes [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I have 2 female friends that are nurses and have fooled around with one in the past...and not to make generalizations, but man they are girls you would want to wear 2 condoms with. I hear that is not uncommon with nurses.