[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0)

The reporting has been my major pet peeve, every day local and national news say the phrase "xxxx more people died of Covid today" when they should be saying "xxxx more people died with Covid today" (or not at all if they didn't actually have covid at death). It's quite dishonest, since the majority of these deaths are mostly due to pre-existing conditions. If you're in your 80's (the group that makes up the majority of reported covid deaths in the US) and have diabetes or a respiratory ailment the common cold will kill you.

[–] jobes [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

People who rely on the media are absolutely in the dark about this whole situation. There was a survey done recently (don't have the link off hand) where they asked people "What percentage of Covid deaths do you think are people 45 and under?" The average response was people saying 30-50%, when the actual number is less than 3%. Like you said, that 3% is mostly people with pre-existing conditions with conditions like obesity being heavily tied to these reported deaths. Young healthy people are absolutely terrified they are going to die when there is literally next to zero chance they would if they were infected.