[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

The idea is not to stop it from happening, but to take measures to reduce its effectiveness now that these techniques are known and the devs are working on the app. For example, an ignore button would be very effective. If you see people using these techniques, ignore them and then users have an easier time staying on topic.

I've mentioned this before, but being able to transfer content to other subs would also be hugely effective. A lot of these techniques rely on posting irrelevant or distracting content. If that content can be moved to another subverse where it IS relevant, the problem is much smaller.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Who makes the decisions to move things is a very good question though. What is judged to be 'irrelevant' can be controlled very easily. An 'ignore' button would be pointless.

Its a joke to think you can stop any of these techniques in an open forum.