

alot vs allot vs a lot
I've been unable to fix the rest of your stupid, but maybe a small victory is better than none.

Yes. A lot is the correct spelling.

Are you the same guy as before? With the spam accusations. Accusing me of spam. Allot of spam. Although I don't think I ever spelt 'allot' that way.


Did you know that boys in elementary school are basically openly attracted to each other? Something many forgot with all of the AIDS homophobia.

AIDS = Probably not an accident.

And also that women are responsible for causing all wars?

And I can cite Alex Trebek and Dr. Evil as sources.

Allot of spam

Oh that's depressing. I can't even get a small win with you.
You are devoted to your dumbness, and impervious to education.

Education? I went to the University of Ottawa. You can spell allot anyway you want there because the French.

Did you know the X-Files is really a TV show about the most successful relationship you saw in junior high school?