Trump has used fake names/personalities before, most commonly John. Some people suspect Q is Trump. What does that give us? John Q. John Q was a movie played by Denzel WASHINGTON, where JOHN Q takes over a hospital in order to make shit right. In the movie, John's the good guy but everyone thinks he's a maniac. By the end of the movie though, even the corrupt cops who wanted Johns son to die because he was black learned to understand his plight, and the day was saved.

Trump has used fake names/personalities before, most commonly John. Some people suspect Q is Trump. What does that give us? John Q. John Q was a movie played by Denzel WASHINGTON, where JOHN Q takes over a hospital in order to make shit right. In the movie, John's the good guy but everyone thinks he's a maniac. By the end of the movie though, even the corrupt cops who wanted Johns son to die because he was black learned to understand his plight, and the day was saved.


[–] Sarcastaway 3 points (+3|-0)

1) There are two "Q's." The first was (most likely) a legit insider, and the current one (which I believe is a massive distraction). Q's original 4/pol/ tripcode was lost, therefore any posts after the change should be (at the very least) viewed with heavy skepticism. Its the same story as Assange not signing a PGP key since his internet went out at the embassy. Heavy skepticism. 8/pol/ Q's legitimacy has always been dubious, imo.

2) Both "Q's" are very likely part of the same federal agency. CIA or NSA. The first was attempting to subtlety leak info, and was caught, because the NSA notices when secrets are leaked. Its their job. OG Q managed to burn his tripcode before it could be used to spread disinfo, but that agency still used his cult following to build a disinformation campaign. Just like they did with Assange and wikileaks.

These spooks only have a few good tricks in their playbooks to control public opinion on the internet, and when viewed abstractly, they can always be identified for what they are. This trick is the zombie sockpuppet. Kill or detain a reputable counterculture figure, replace or recruit them by any means, and imitate their original behavior but insert or redact facts (true or false) as needed to achieve the desired result.

LTDR: Q1 is a fed, Q2 is a fed LARP. Neither of them is the president of the united states, because shitposting at that level requires far more free time than the most powerful man on the planet has available. If Q1 was somehow POTUS, then we have a much bigger issue, in that one federal agency can somehow gag the leader of the free world without him being able to call for help.

[–] Enfield 2 points (+2|-0)

I think Q is a long-time servant in some intelligence agency. He's much more steeped in geopolitics than Trump could be. Trump has been busy with his multiple businesses. Trump isn't ignorant of geopolitical affairs. To me he doesn't come off as someone who knows as much as Q does in all those various areas.

The twos' personas are different too. It's better if Q is someone else other than Trump. He has access to people and systems agents might try to distract Trump from.

I can't argue with that iron clad reasoning.
So what now?