[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Really? I think the majority of people think the world would be way better with far less people. The problem is how to get there.

Society's just insane at the moment. Full of waste for no reason, and waste that makes people miserable. There's plenty of room to use less and also live happier more fulfilling lives.

[–] Dii_Casses 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

The problem is how to get there.

Exactly; there is no moral way to go about making that happen. No matter who you hand the keys to that kind of decision you can be sure of two things:

  1. They themselves are going to be exempt

  2. Someone they don't like is going to get shafted.

Corollary: Any oversight committee is either in Group A or quickly joins Group B

I'm pretty sure you'd be unhappy if the people making that choice turns out to be "people with more money". But that is a short-sighted view: Power is going to be abused, in whatever form it takes. Today it comes in the form of money; tomorrow it might take the form of deciding reproduction rights (eugenics, woo! /s).

[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Well, the doing nothing option is the 'people with more wealth' live option.

Despite the moral difficulties, I think the world is definitely headed towards a lower population. To do nothing while the poor die can't really be called moral either...