[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm all for dolphins and whales (as long as they're down with MAGA). But I'd like to address this storyline,

On the Friday after Thanksgiving, the administration published a much larger report by 13 federal agencies projecting the severe economic costs of climate change as coastal flooding and wildfires worsen and hurricanes are becoming more severe. After the administration’s critics accused it of trying to bury the report with a release on Black Friday, President Trump dismissed it out of hand.

If it's that big of a deal, it can't be hidden by a "Friday dump", which, we're told, happen, even when it isn't a holiday. If confirmation that the world will end in 100 years isn't big enough news to make it through the weekend, maybe it's fake news.

[–] smallpond [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

If confirmation that the world will end in 100 years isn't big enough news to make it through the weekend, maybe it's fake news.

Firstly the world will be fine, it's us and the species we share the place with that are in for a hard ride.

Your powers of reasoning leave a lot to be desired above. With decades of global scientific consensus, global warming is a long way away from fake news. I see that rather than listen to those that are qualified, you appear to identify fake news according to what the present administration finds politically inconvenient: an obedient citizen.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

Fine. It's real news. My intended point is that the only people that can bury a story are the press themselves.