[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

It is difficult to change the behaviours of a couple of billion people.

Certainly, and we are far stupider as a whole than as individuals.

This life is what we grow up to expect, top down change is needed to change directions.

Chicken and Egg... politicians need popular support, people are useless in isolation, and the dictators of the world only have eyes for their own power.

I sure don't want to live without electricity and I don't think anyone would unless they were forced to.

It's not even that, it would just be living with less electricity, but we won't even do that. I don't like getting out of bed on a cold day, but if I see a giant boulder through the window about to smash my house I will. It seems that society would just lie in bed and watch it.

[–] RiverOfStars 0 points (+0|-0)

We aren't a whole, that would infer communication between beings.

Yes the popular support question for politicians is a problem, don't want to upset the electorate. People can make the choice to opt out but then they end up living on the fringe of society. It doesn't help that the central tenet of capitalism is to make a profit. Getting sued by your shareholders cause you made a choice to do some more costly but better for the environment action sucks and inhibits better flexiblity for ceos

[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

We aren't a whole, that would infer communication between beings.

Your meaning isn't completely clear there, but there's nothing wrong with viewing us as a whole. Cells in our body also live and die, and interact with one another. Most of humanity is now civilized and hence totally incapable of living in small isolated communities - we are a global web.