[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

The Communist revolutionaries taking over the United States are coming for us all.


[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0)

I was thinking about a commonly used phrase yesterday (well maybe less common nowadays) "You have the right to your opinion", this used to be just a throw away phrase anyone could use to say "I don't agree with you but you're free to express the idea". When I think about it now I ask does anyone have this "right" anymore? When an unpopular opinion can get your livelihood taken away and be blackballed by society? Just because the government doesn't execute a person or throw them in prison, is that enough to protect free exchange?

[–] jobes [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

The woke corporate oligarchy is in all essence enforcing their own constitution at this point. They have essentially made their own government, which is protected under the guise of "free trade" - these companies have "the right" to not conduct business with anyone they do not want, some exclusions to monopolies would likely apply though.

So sure, I could make a business website called "I disagree with Black Lives Matter dot com" and the government wouldn't punish me at all; however, you would deplatformed by the rest of the world instantaneously. I would be kicked off of my domain registrar, my server hosting provider, the 3rdParty company who's software I use to generate thumbnails, advertisers would refuse to run my ads, my official accounts would be banned on social media, the ADL and SPLC would label me "racist" and "hate speech" on their websites, credit card companies would not allow payment processors to work with me, PayPal would freeze my account with funds in it and not allow me access to my money for 6 months, banks would close my business checking account, fund raising sites would blacklist me, the media would run hit pieces on me and make me a target for mob justice...and the list goes on.

This separate corporate "punishment" has been very commonly happening to people in western society since at least 2014, but they have gone into overdrive over the last few years because they realize they can absolutely get away with it without punishment from their governments. It makes sense why civilizations tend to collapse after XXX years once you start seeing gross abuses of power like this.