I've been crying for about 15 minutes. He's still on me, still wrapped in his blanket. I have to go bury him soon.

I've been crying for about 15 minutes. He's still on me, still wrapped in his blanket. I have to go bury him soon.


[–] Dii_Casses 2 points (+2|-0)

Did you know it was coming?

[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

He'd been sick for a while, but was doing so much better. Everything kind of went to shit about two weeks ago when he could suddenly not even jump on the couch on his own anymore. He was quite bad when I found him in the morning, freezing cold and panting. Wrapped him up in his towel and put him on my lap. It was around 3 hours til he passed then. It's been near constant crying, it's probably been 2 decades since I've cried.