[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

lmao that option went out the window long ago. There are laws in some places now that require specific diversity hires. Every globohomo company in the US and Canada have been making it a mission to ensure new hires are 50% female and 25% 'under represented minorities'. The last big corporation I worked for started enforcing this for one specific reason - a single whiney person complained to a VP, who was too scared to say anything back, so he invited her to a room full of VPs where she gave her pitch. They promoted her to a DEI position and instantly hiring practices changed. They stopped prioritizing Ivy League schools and went to Historically Black Colleges instead for recruitment. They started rejecting applicants based on gender. Qualified candidates were turned down because they were white, asian or indian men.

Completely fucking absurd because one person in a massive company forced that upon the rest of us...because the VPs had no spines.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

Obviously CA--both of them--are completely phuked. That's how I'd like to see things work in an ideal world, but you're right that the anti-white, anti-male haters are getting surprising traction in companies and using bullying tactics against others.

I think the best response is to stop supporting the companies that hate you. Stop buying cheap, disposable Chinese crap. Save for your future instead. Don't give money to the movie/music/tv industry that cranks out propaganda and hate against you, etc. I blame the masses of normies supporting and allowing this mess just as much as the crazy SJWs.