[–] PCaut 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Less than 2% of the births in Canada are by non-residents. Blaming Canada's health care quality on foreigners is not going to fix the structural problems.

[–] Sissypuff -2 points (+0|-2)

Down at our local emergency dept about 80-85% of the overcrowded waiting area are migrants. I'm there fairly regularly because of blood tests and with the long waiting times I have loads of time on my hands to count heads. So yeah let's blame the fact that our health care is suffering on the government because it doesn't provide adequate funding instead on the fact that we have been flooded with uneducated and untrained welfare leaches that are openly contemptuous of our ways while at the same time taking every advantage of generous handouts and public services. Yeah, let's have that discussion you brain dead liberal moron.