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[–] pembo210 I GOT THE MOTT'S 1 points (+1|-0)



not really a problem, more of a smell and maybe some discomfort. get some gas-x.

Diarrhea: Green cabbage contains 5.8 grams of fiber per 1-cup serving, reports Michigan State University. The insoluble fiber in cabbage increases the movement of waste in your digestive tract. Eating too much fiber can contribute to symptoms of diarrhea or block your intestines.

High in fiber, don't eat so much.

Cabbage contains high amounts of vitamin K, a vitamin that helps your blood clot. Eating too much cabbage can interfere with blood-thinning medications, but a 2-cup serving of green cabbage should assist in providing the desired amount of vitamin K without inducing negative effects.

2-cup serving is plenty, don't eat so much.

Hypothyroidism: Consuming high quantities of cabbage might cause hypothyroidism, according to Linus Pauling Institute. Iodine deficiency coupled with high consumption of cabbage, such as 1,000 to 1,500 grams per day

That's over 2-3 lbs per day. Don't eat so much.