Hi folks. It's been awhile hasn't it? The time surely has passed strangely in lieu of what's been on all our minds. Friends have been lost and found, old and new love alike. Despite everything, we have done what we do best, survive. I know, I know, perhaps the penalties of it all in the end were far too harsh. Let me assure you we will always have what is most valuable. I will never let them take that from us. We will never let them change us. It is eerily reminiscent of this that those around us act with complete awareness to the painful situation that this very mindset thrust into the heart of God. All that has and has not been said is the sole explanation for the following bombshell I am about to mortally brutalize into the scorch black skulleyes of Satan's bloody blistering Hellstorm of man. Yes. A fool would have guessed it by now. Surely you all know, and to further define this amounts to no more than redundancy of a simpletons degree. For those that can't manage a proper eye uncrossing here it is in black and white:
I pledge the allegiance of my eternal soul to the ultimate and divine, Brussels Sprout.
Brussels Sprout is undeniably and with utmost purity the one and true Brassica.
Any action, statement or belief not in direct compliance with decleration number two is indubitably false, evil, and worst of all wrong.
Anti-Brussels Sprout sentiment is hereby outlawed under punishment of retribution.
The Sprout is Supreme
I bid you caution in your next move, antisprouters.
You practice heresy!