Alpha stalks stand strong in the field of green of my dreams.

My people will claim their BIRTHRIGHT.

You filthy degenerates may have gotten your stubby stems into our beloved image databases, but you will never rob from us our sense of duty and passion. You wiry, spindly, freaks of miscabbination! You will bear witness to the green wrath of the ages!

Pray to your gods, if they may hear your lamentations. Ask them, nay beg them for your very lives!

operationSupremeStalks = 1599; //initialize broccoli war propaganda

It is the decree of all true patriots that broccoli is supreme in all ways of the vegetable, and all others fall short of the glory of the Supreme Stalks. In no other way can a citizen offend the empire more than by allowing the unholy offspring of lesser veggies into their lives. Our bodies, just as our borders, are to be kept strong and healthy, clear of any diseased specimens.

Watch your backs! For around every corner lurks the menace of cauliflower, waiting to stab you in the heart with indigestion, hypothyroidism, and plain fucking cancer.

We, the BBB, are here to guide you through the valley of the shadow of cabbage.

# Alpha stalks stand strong in the field of green of my dreams. My people will claim their **BIRTHRIGHT**. You filthy degenerates may have gotten your stubby stems into our beloved image databases, but you will never rob from us our sense of duty and passion. You wiry, spindly, freaks of miscabbination! You will bear witness to the green wrath of the ages! Pray to your gods, if they may hear your lamentations. Ask them, nay *beg them* for your very lives! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- operationSupremeStalks = 1599; //initialize broccoli war propaganda ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is the decree of all true patriots that broccoli is supreme in all ways of the vegetable, and all others fall short of the glory of the Supreme Stalks. In no other way can a citizen offend the empire more than by allowing the unholy offspring of lesser veggies into their lives. Our bodies, just as our borders, are to be kept strong and healthy, clear of any diseased specimens. Watch your backs! For around every corner lurks the menace of cauliflower, waiting to stab you in the heart with indigestion, hypothyroidism, and plain fucking *cancer*. We, the BBB, are here to guide you through the valley of the shadow of cabbage.