As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier!

What kind of booze do you imbibe?

As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier! What kind of booze do *you* imbibe?


[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't drink at home, so when I'm out I ask for a local dark. I'm rarely disappointed, and have had some excellent beers. Too bad I can't remember their often strange names.

We're opposite then. I hate drinking anywhere but my home. Something about being tipsy in public really ruins the fun for me. I'm always anxious I'll trip over something or say some stupid shit like "fuck cabbages" out loud in the middle of a smokey, standing room only pub in downtown.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Two things. Saying "fuck cabbages" is acceptable any time, any place. Well, I never drink to get "tipsy." I'll have a drink or two with friends, or at a dinner out, but never enough to start picking brussel sprouts off people's plates or anything.