I don't think I would classify shaving as an equivalent action with pissing, as shaving is for appearance, while pissing is a bodily function.

I would compare it to - How often do you go to work and take a piss, and how often do you go to work, get p in the middle of a meeting, and go shave?

But yeah, it's more as a WTF? thing. It owuld have been more interesting if there had been a question - "so, why did you go back tothe clubhouse and shave between the 3rd and 4th innings?" Rather than just take the local broadcast and videoclipping it without additional information. But, this is the state of journalism in the USA - clicks over info, and posting this by simply making a link and distributing.

[–] Hitchens 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

I agree. The problem to me with this article is that it's click bait. There's no context to why he shaved. So it's pointless. It would be an interesting story is he shaved it out of superstition reasons or he was interviewing for a job after the game.

But, this is the state of journalism in the USA - clicks over info, and posting this by simply making a link and distributing.


it's click bait

I think it may just be the perfect example of clickbait. You really get no other useful information past the headline - IOW, the headline IS the story, nothing else matters

I posted it because it was funny - but I could have just as easily wrote a text post without linking to their site.

I am a failure at life!

[–] Hitchens 0 points (+0|-0)

I am a failure at life!

Stop it! Us, baseball fans have to stick together during the World Cup!