[–] Mattvision 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

We're hardly capable of putting much in orbit of our own planet, let alone establishing colonies on Mars. Not now anyway, and likely not for generations to come (if humans are still around).

Now, of course, in a long ass time, we don't know what humans will have come up with. We could achieve interstellar travel with the right technology, if people are willing to sit around on generational ships forever, or if we have a shit-ton of energy and just make peace with time dilation. Who knows?

All we can say for certain is that nothing we do will ever break the light-barrier, so every object outside of our local group is physically impossible to reach, as opposed to just being very inconveniently far away like Andromeda.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

Exterminating ourselves soon is a definite risk. If we don't do that, it's possible that our progress will be reliably limited by our individualistic nature and greed causing repeated civilizational collapses. Otherwise, with enough time, being unable to escape the local group is not certain.