Hi Phuks, how's everyone doing? I'm curious about so called "free speech" platforms, and why some thrive and others fail. Why are some toxic and others are wholesome? I'm not sure about Phuks' stance on free speech, but Lemmy and Raddle are pretty safe. If Phuks does support free speech to the whole extent, how come it seems less toxic than other alternatives?

Hi Phuks, how's everyone doing? I'm curious about so called "free speech" platforms, and why some thrive and others fail. Why are some toxic and others are wholesome? I'm not sure about Phuks' stance on free speech, but Lemmy and Raddle are pretty safe. If Phuks does support free speech to the whole extent, how come it seems less toxic than other alternatives?


[–] nerdyguy28 [OP] 0 points (+1|-1)

As someone that's on the spectrum, please refrain from saying "autistic", it's very ableist. Thank you. Also, not every autistic shouts racial slurs.

[–] Dii_Casses 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

As someone that's on the spectrum, please refrain from saying "autistic", it's very ableist.

As someone also on the spectrum, that's retarded. No matter what you call it, uncomfortably weird people are going to exist and normal people will always have some euphemism to describe it. No point playing linguistic whack-a-mole.

Also, not every autistic shouts racial slurs.

No, but shouting racial slurs outside of /pol/ is socially tone-deaf, and every autistic is, by definition, socially tone-deaf.