Friend of mine a few years back got a pair of neko mimis. They're these electronic cat ears that measure your brain activity and make the ears respond accordingly. So if you got excite about something, they would twitch a bit. If you were relaxed, they would droop down. The fun challenge is to get your mood to shift (for real, because you can't fake your brain waves). She popped them on my head, we had laughs and then told me to make them droop. This, of course, was a challenge for her because she has like no control over her mental state. And they drooped immediately. She was highly amused and seriously disappointed.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I love those!

Been thinking about getting a pair of those to see how my brain works while I'm working (I get paid to sit at a desk and think). But they don't make them new and I don't wanna drop $100+ on a used pair.