I left because of the unbelievably insane amount of circlejerking on there. It's unreal.

I left because of the unbelievably insane amount of circlejerking on there. It's unreal.


[–] jobes 5 points (+5|-0)

I completely left reddit around 2015 once they started mass banning subs for hurting people's feelings. The banned subs weren't any subs that I actually ever used or visited (like FatPeopleHate and neofag), but when Chairman Pao just started banning them for "being abusive" (ie - someone's feelings got hurt from hurty wordies), then the writing was on the wall for that site. I went to Voat right after that, then left Voat after 2 years or so fully for largely being a massive predictable circlejerk. Phuks moves a bit slow some days, but at least it generally has interesting content and is certainly not a circlejerk.

[–] E-werd 4 points (+4|-0)

is certainly not a circlejerk.

Well, not in the metaphorical sense.

You coming tonight?