I left because of the unbelievably insane amount of circlejerking on there. It's unreal.

I left because of the unbelievably insane amount of circlejerking on there. It's unreal.


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 8 points (+8|-0)

Yeah ran a little sub there even. But definitely spent a few years as a redditer. I reflect fondly on that time as it introduced me to a lot of new stuff and parts of the internet.

But I think 2015ish? I started to notice things to come. Deleted comments, weird shadow bans, Nuked threads, increasing circle jerks, promoted pity drama, power tripping mods enforcing increasingly specific rules. Finally it was the public announcement of moving towards a more marketable reddit or some shit, maybe tracking outbound links, I don't quite recall. But it drove me away.

Found voat in the early days and tried to be a central part of the community there. Until it was overtaken and now I just exist here for shit posts, pc flexing and lulz.