[–] smallpond 1 points (+2|-1)

I don't think he was justified to playfully slap her on the ass once, and I would support him being charged with playfully slapping someone on the ass once. Perhaps the punishment could be for him to assume her position and attire in public, and have a large man run past and slap him on the ass a few times.

If that's assault, what's the technical term for punching someone in the face with an intention to cause physical damage?

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Right? I feel like for it to be fair though she'd have to be at the least fined for public indecency. She is inviting the behaviour she considers unfavourable. That way no one "wins" and it isn't some precedent so woman can twerk everywhere without consequence. It's kinda complicated and interesting... it's textbook assault by definition though can't argue that