I'm historically totally down with anything sci-fi or fantasy.

But it's like I can't fucking stand to watch this shit. Was this written by an 11 year old? Am I supposed to like it because aliens and spaceships? WTF?!?!?!? I keep leaving the show to read the news.

I'm historically totally down with anything sci-fi or fantasy. But it's like I can't fucking stand to watch this shit. Was this written by an 11 year old? Am I supposed to like it because aliens and spaceships? WTF?!?!?!? I keep leaving the show to read the news.


No idea .....

Well, let me give you an idea: this shit is really, really stupid. I'm only on episode 2 and I'm struggling to watch this shit. Normally I'd be on episode eight or nine by now, but this is just so insultingly stupid. I watch two or three minutes of cliches then I go cook some food or smoke a cigarette or look for something to clean up.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

I only got through 4 episodes or so of Star Wars: Rebels....it was so bad with a mandalorian brats doll as a main character