Daewoo? Samsung? XPB90-2003CS?

Daewoo? Samsung? XPB90-2003CS?


[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

I used to deliver and install appliances for Home Depot so I got to see the various models of ones we did and didn’t carry.

GE makes a line called “Monogram” that is top shelf shit. Well one model they discontinued of washing machines.


Their first run of them had a recall, but the second was fucking flawless. You could put so much shit into this thing it was crazy, but that isn’t what I liked about it.

I liked the integration with the pedestal and what you could do.

For an extra 1100 bucks you got the auto feed dispenser for soap and softener tanks and hook ups for the thing. It had three reservoirs. Two on the outside were soap and center was softener.

Then tubes that ran to feed all that without you doing shit save loading it