By "weirdest", I don't mean it has to necessarily be disgusting, or very very NSFW. It has to be the most inexplicable thing you have ever stumbled upon.

Mine was probably a youtube channel I found quite a while ago. It was a really Christian guy who was analysing certain things and trying to "solve" them mathematically to end up with the number 3, which represented the holy trinity. I remember one of them involved trying to analyse and condense the word "towel" into 3, and it was the same level of ridiculousness as those illuminati montage parodies, but deadly serious.

It doesn't sound that weird on its own, but what made it completely bizarre is the level of enthusiasm he had for it, and the amount of videos he was putting out. He was making 20+ fairly long videos every day. His entire life was based around making the videos.

By "weirdest", I don't mean it has to necessarily be disgusting, or very very NSFW. It has to be the most inexplicable thing you have ever stumbled upon. Mine was probably a youtube channel I found quite a while ago. It was a _really_ Christian guy who was analysing certain things and trying to "solve" them mathematically to end up with the number 3, which represented the holy trinity. I remember one of them involved trying to analyse and condense the word "towel" into 3, and it was the same level of ridiculousness as those illuminati montage parodies, but deadly serious. It doesn't sound that weird on its own, but what made it completely bizarre is the level of enthusiasm he had for it, and the amount of videos he was putting out. He was making 20+ fairly long videos every day. His entire life was based around making the videos.


[–] PMYA [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

See how the alchemical movies of Stanley Kubrick point to a hidden modern Saturnian elite with a very dark agenda for mankind’s ‘Useless Eaters’


This might interest you. They're all dead, but their site is preserved exactly the way they left it before they committed mass suicide. It's a shame really, they would have been my first choice to design our new layout.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

The Kubrick reference reminded of something.

There are people who believe that Kubrick was allowed to make his films as a reward for doing the fake moon landing footage. They believe he left messages confirming this that can be discovered by superimposing some of his films over over one another.

Open The Gate Danny Starchild

[–] PMYA [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I've heard of that conspiracy theory. Crazy. It would be easier to go to the moon than fake it. There is a scene in 2001 that always bugged me because it isn't done right, and it stands out. The woman on the space ship puts a floating pen back into the guy's pocket, but the pen moves around in a way that you can tell it is on a string. There is no way he could have faked a moon landing, there are far too many variables to consider.

There is a documentary called Room 237 that goes into some of the Kubrick conspiracies. It starts off plausible and then devolves into ridiculousness.