Maybe they prefer bundt pan? Or do they want to be sodomised by a sheet pan?

But I suspect they have some type of odd deity and bestiality fetish, and they want to bump uglies with the Greek god Pan.

Maybe they prefer bundt pan? Or do they want to be sodomised by a sheet pan? But I suspect they have some type of odd deity and bestiality fetish, and they want to bump uglies with the Greek god Pan.


[–] yeti 3 points (+3|-0)

Ask ask /u/BUTTHOLE_EMPRESS. He/she/it is generally pretty forthcoming about such matters.

Personally, I prefer saucepans -- but they have to be all stainless steel. INCLUDING THE LID!

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

This is too personal a matter for me to comment on.

Not saying I have fantasies like this of course just setting the precedent for future discussions.