Most people have someone they consider really skilled, knowledgeable, charismatic or great in some way. Occasionally this person might have similar thoughts about you. Has that ever happened to anyone?

Most people have someone they consider really skilled, knowledgeable, charismatic or great in some way. Occasionally this person might have similar thoughts about you. Has that ever happened to anyone?


[–] KillBill 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

When I was about 19, I was working on high rise building as a construction worker and our foreman got sick and I had to run the 6 story front section of the office block. He never came back(had to retire). Anyway at 19 I didn't realize the gravity of anything much so I went about my business not thinking too hard about how others perceived me, but given how much the boss and others were yelling at me, I thought I was doing badly. Then after work one day I went to the pub with some of the men and there was the big boss for the main contractor with a group of the main people running the site. They called me over for a bit and one of them called me the "golden child" which I didn't understand but apparently everyone else did. Apparently my boss was praising me left and right to everyone and saying I could run the whole job myself better than he could. So all these people I admired and wanted to emulate were praising me behind my back and I never knew it.

[–] starjello [OP] 2 points (+3|-1)

That's really sweet! You sound like you feel a bit awkward when getting compliments.

[–] KillBill 2 points (+2|-0)

Yea, I never got much praise as a kid so I didn't know how to take it for a long while and never gave out much praise myself either. Life got much better once I learned to do both.