Here is a small bit of context. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-19/new-zealand-facebook-christchurch-shooting-video-sheryl-sandberg/10915184

You can see halfway down the article where the site Kiwi farms basically told them to go fuck themselves and their response is to request more censorship at the upcoming G20 summit.

Should they stfu and go back to fucking sheep or should we think about the children?

Here is a small bit of context. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-19/new-zealand-facebook-christchurch-shooting-video-sheryl-sandberg/10915184 You can see halfway down the article where the site Kiwi farms basically told them to go fuck themselves and their response is to request more censorship at the upcoming G20 summit. Should they stfu and go back to fucking sheep or should we think about the children?


[–] jobes 5 points (+5|-0)

The actions of their government really set off some red flags here. Not only are they arresting and sentencing people for possession of a video, but they banned most sites where you can discuss the event freely, like the chans, voat, dissenter and who knows what else. Within 24 hours they had new gun control legislation ready to go, even though NZ has some extremely strict gun control laws already, including it being illegal to use a gun for self defense and a ridiculous permit to get a semi-auto rifle (and the shooter wasn't even a Kiwi). Their immediate reaction makes me wonder what they're not telling the public. Why else would they go to such extremes to shut down discussion of the event?

[–] oddjob 4 points (+4|-0)

Like the PATRIOT Act in the US, that new gun control legislation was already written before the event happen. Some politician wrote it but knew it wouldn't pass during normal, peaceful times so they put it on a shelf and wait until there's a tragedy they can exploit.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. … This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not before. " Rahm Emanuel