Assume they are all 25 y/o (not dead). Who would you go on a date with and where would you take them.

A) Taylor Swift

B) Caitlyn Jenner

C) Ocasio Cortez

D) Ursula LeGuinn

E) Keannu Reeves

F) Joan of Arc

G) @Jobes

H) Jonah (from the Bible)

I) Bruce Jenner

Assume they are all 25 y/o (not dead). Who would you go on a date with and where would you take them. A) Taylor Swift B) Caitlyn Jenner C) Ocasio Cortez D) Ursula LeGuinn E) Keannu Reeves F) Joan of Arc G) @Jobes H) Jonah (from the Bible) I) Bruce Jenner


[–] KillBill 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

Taylor Swift has legs made in heaven but the greyhound facial features would be distracting and she's actually young enough to be my daughter. So it's a toss up between @jobes for making me laugh once every few weeks and Ursula Le Guin for writing one of the best book series ever.